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Frequently Asked Questions About LLLC

What time is worship on Sunday?

Join us for worship every Sunday at 10am. Our services are centered around Holy Communion and are open to everyone. The typical duration of our worship is about an hour. Additionally, during Lent and Advent, we offer special midweek and other worship services.

What’s appropriate dress for worship?

At our Lutheran church in Vero Beach, we prioritize your presence over your attire. We want you to feel comfortable, so please dress appropriately based on your own preferences.

What’s the gist of Lutheran worship? 

Lutherans celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday. Our faith centers around the belief that we are saved solely by the saving action of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. We understand that salvation is a result of God's grace, and there is nothing we can do to earn it ourselves. This grace opens the way to eternal life.

Are there accommodations for individuals with special needs?
All are welcome to come forward during the distribution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If you are not baptized, you will receive a blessing from the Presiding Minister. Lutherans make no distinction based on your faith background in order to receive the Sacrament

I’m coming from another Christian tradition (or, I’m coming from no Christian tradition at all.) What do I need to know about Holy Communion? 

All are welcome to come forward during the distribution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. If you are not baptized, you will receive a blessing from the Presiding Minister. Lutherans make no distinction based on your faith background in order to receive the Sacrament


What if I bring my young children to worship?  What’s available for them?

We have a designated room for young children and parents who may need to move around during worship. This room provides privacy and a quieter space for young ones. Additionally, we offer special materials and worship items for children. Simply ask the Pastor or an usher to seat you in that area.

What if I want to know more about this church, or about the Lutheran faith in general. What resources are available for me?

To learn more about our church or the Lutheran faith in general, feel free to speak with the Pastor before or after worship. You can also visit our website for additional information and resources. Learn more on our website

We look forward to welcoming you to our Lutheran church in Vero Beach. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

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