Wednesdays - 10 am
This group weekly to look ahead at the upcoming Sunday texts, to look for common threads for a possible sermon theme. The group uses a weekly resource provided by the ELCA entitled “Daily Discipleship”, and can easily be accessed through the ELCA website.
Sundays - 10 am
Come and worship with us any Sunday at 10:00 am. All are welcome in this church. Each worship service at Living Lord is a service of Holy Communion. All baptized Christians are welcome to come forward to receive the Sacrament.
We are a liturgical church, meaning that our worship is traditional in its form, while allowing for adaptations based on various worship/liturgy settings. We follow the three (3) year lectionary cycle in our weekly readings.
Worship at Living Lord is comprised of the following four (4) segments, below:
We are called and gathered together as the body of Christ
We confess our need for forgiveness publicly before God and one another
We hear words of absolution and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, as proclaimed
by the Presiding Minister
On festivals and special occasions we begin worship by remembering our baptism
We sing a Gathering Song, which is followed by the Prayer of the Day, prayed together
by the entire assembly.
We hear the Word proclaimed from both the lectern and the pulpit. This typically
involves readings from the Old Testament (Hebrew bible), a Psalm, a
reading from the New Testament (letters, epistles, etc.), followed by a
reading of the appointed gospel for the week, by the Presiding Minister.
We hear the Word proclaimed from the pulpit
We sing a hymn related to the message we’ve just heard
We confess our faith in the words of one of the three (3) creeds of the church
We pray for the community, the world, and all in need
We share the peace with one another.
The assembly now turns to the Meal (Offering and the distribution of the Sacrament
Of Holy Communion)
We receive the offering, giving the gifts of God to the work of the church
The Assisting Minister offers an Offering Prayer
We hear the Presiding Minister offer The Great Thanksgiving Dialogue
We then sing a “Sanctus” or Holy, Holy, Holy, praising and thanking God
We hear the Presiding Minister offer the Words of Institution over the meal we are
About to receive, followed by the Lord’s Prayer, which we pray together
The bread is broken. We sing “Lamb of God”, and prepare for the receiving of the Sacrament.
The Assisting Minister offers a Prayer after Communion.
The Presiding Minister offers a spoken Benediction, and we are sent out into the world
To live out our baptismal call to “love and serve the Lord”
We leave worship with a Recessional Hymn
The assembly responds “thanks be to God” as we leave the worship space
The Sunday worship is complete, and we are sent.